Business Organizations, Management and Transactions
We provide advice and services, usually in consultation with our clients’ accountants, for:
- Choice of the appropriate entity for our clients’ business ventures (sole proprietorships; corporations, general, professional and nonprofit; partnerships, general and limited; limited liability companies);
- Documentation for the formation and governance of such business organizations;
- Services associated with business loans and other capital financing;
- Advice and document preparation for relations among principals, such as shareholder or member agreements and business succession planning including buy-sell agreements;
- Ongoing operations, customer and vendor relations, employment issues, including employment handbooks, confidentiality, trade secret, and noncompete agreements;
- Purchases and sales of businesses; and,
- Compliance with securities laws for securities exemptions from public registration, private offerings.
Professionals Practicing in this Area
Practice Areas
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
- Appellate Practice
- Bank Counsel
- Bankruptcy / Creditor’s Rights
- Business Organizations, Management and Transactions
- Commercial Litigation
- Condominium Association Law
- Elder Law
- Environmental Law
- Estate Planning
- Insurance Law
- Personal Injury and Wrongful Death
- Probate Law
- Real Estate Law
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Material on this site is for informational purposes only, and should not be interpreted as legal advice.
© 2019 Pratt Vreeland Kennelly Martin & White, Ltd.
Contact Information
64 North Main Street
P.O. Drawer 280
Rutland, VT 05702-0280
T: (802) 775-7141
F: (802) 775-6483
64 North Main St., Rutland, VT 05701(802) 775-7141